San Fernando Valley (S930) Golf Club

1854 S. Barrington Ave., L.A., CA 90025
Telephone: 310.473.3731

President: Bob Matsumoto
Handicap: Gary Nishimura
Treasurer: Steve Kubota
Tournament Chair: Tak Motoyasu
Rules Committee Co-Chair: Bruce Louden
Rules Committee Co-Chair: Bob Nishimoto
Points Standing Chair: Norm Matsuoka
Hole-in-One/CP Chair: John Maruyama
Skins Chair: Eiji Fukumoto

Year 2002 Schedule

The schedule below shows the Golf Club's plans for the 2002 season.

                                            Start     Mail-In     Day of Game
Dates         Course                        Time      Green Fees  Green Fees

January 6     Simi Hills, Simi Valley       10:00 am   $72.00*     $77.00*
              plus Tournament of Champions	

February 10   Elkins Ranch, Fillmore         7:15 am   $56.00      $61.00

February 12   Annual Golf Club Dinner        6:30 pm   $20.00 
              (2nd Tuesday Evening) 

March 10      Lost Canyons, Simi Hills      12:30 pm   $85.00

April 14      Camarillo Springs             10:00 am   $64.00      $69.00	
              plus Senior Flight Tour.

May 19        Rancho Vista, Palmdale         8:30 am   $60.00**    $65.00**
              plus SFV Nikkei Memorial Tour.

June 9        Simi Hills, Simi Valley       10:00 am   $72.00*     $77.00*
July 21       Olivas Park, Ventura           7:30 am   $60.00      $65.00
July 27, 28   SFV Obon Festival, Comm Center 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm

August 18     Industry Hills, Industry       7:30 am (B/C Flt)     $85.00**
              Nisei Week Tournament          1:00 pm (A Flt)	

August 26     SFV Annual Golf Tour. (Scramble)
              Cascades Golf Club, Sylmar    11:00 am 

September 22  Brookside, Pasadena           10:00 am   $67.00      $72.00

October       Buenaventura, Ventura

October 19    Las Vegas Highland Falls      12:30 pm  $180.00**   $180.00**
October 20    Las Vegas Palm Valley         12:30 pm	
              (includes prize funds and tip)

November 1    --- Membership Fees Due ---

November 17   Brookside, Pasadena           10:00 am   $67.00      $72.00

December 8    Elkins Ranch, Fillmore         8:00 am   $56.00      $61.00

* Includes cart, range balls, hot dog and soda.  
** Includes cart and range balls.


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